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Caravan Blinds and Curtains: A Quick Guide


Caravan blinds and curtains are here to stay because of two things: affordability and beauty. While many "so called" designers think that caravan curtains and blinds are boring, they are actually not. These are regarded as actually classic and elegant. ( provided that these are used and paired with the right home decors.)


Blinds vs. Curtains

Know how do you know which to choose for your windows? shall we use blinds or curtains.  there are actually a lot of things to consider .This include effectivity at blocking the sunlight, price,  maintenance costs and how it furnishes.


Let's talk about how both add style to the room. curtains first of all can stand out since this type of window cover can also add some texture to the room. it can either be used to coordinate with the rest of the Furnishings in the house according to color or it can even be used as a centerpiece like an element that contrasts Among else. Taylor and Stirling  Curtains are known for being very flexible when it comes to designs. Additionally curtains increases the compatibility of the room because it also gives warmth, and it even lessens the noise that's making the room more peaceful. another importance of heavy curtains especially when the room is insulated is that it does not allow heat to easily Escape or even if the room is air-conditioned it does not allow the cold air to escape as well. Lines of the other hand are not that versatile when it comes to design but they give the illusion of a bigger room because they are less intrusive and more practical.


When it comes to the cost of both the curtains and the Taylor and Stirling blinds, it actually has a lot of variations because it was still depend on the type of materials used and weather the window treatments are customized or ready made.  Cotton blend curtains can cause $8 to $10 however curtains made from luxury Fabrics can be as expensive as $1,000 and even more. lines made from vinyl  usually cost around $8 wooden lines in the other hand costs over $200.


Installation for  some blinds models may cost nothing because lines are very easy to install and you can just do it by yourself however if you really want to hire a professional, it would cost around $650 for wooden blinds. End of course it would also very depending on the number of windows. To move on  curtain installation can cost as much as $5,000 especially if high-end materials are to be used. Taylor and Stirling offers the best services for your blinds and curtain needs. If you want to learn more about blinds and curtains, you can visit

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